Could they have had a third path for just a small change?
Half are rejoicing and half are now angry, bitter and feeling broken.
It used to be that the sun never set on the British Empire in the early 20th century.
Now the people of 21st century England have decided it’s best to go back the their castle and moat mentality.
On Friday, June 24th, England changed the future of the British Empire forever… This was their Independence Day!
It’s interesting how immediately drastic and dividing this new independence will be for those wanting a ‘New Free England’ and how, or – if they will ever recover.
Seems the key word from most economists is, “Eventually.” It is anyone’s guess what will really happen in the future of England but here’s what we know for sure.
World reaction was both shock and awe – No really? They really did do it… Most people are still stunned by what it really will mean longterm. Here the immediate effect.
The British Pound lost 10% and went back to matching its’ 1985 monetary value. Half the people are happy and half are really, really sad.
This “Eventually” time frame is estimated at approximately 10 years – one full decade – give or take a few years… How happy would any younger person be with this delay?
This is the most polarizing effect of the Brexit vote – it has divided the young and the old. About 75% of millennials (those born after 1990) voted to stay.
Many of those with the stay-in values who are younger (inside London) urban people are now caught fighting to keep their jobs and future against and between the values of the older generations and rural rage (outside London) who are hoping to see a more traditional England (the past) stop the fast rate of world immigration and change.
Now it comes down to those young people who are working and wanting to live in the future feeling compromised by the older generations who want the past back again.
Was this Brexit vote opportunity lost or gained?
“Eventually” time will tell. But one thing is for sure, it will be much pain before any gain.
They will have to have started this new government and negotiated all new trade agreements within the next two years in order to reduce the size of speed bump ahead.
Not sure how this mess will benefit anyone in the world except Boris Johnson’s Leave Cronies and their ambitions to lead a new and yet undisclosed Brexit Government?
Good thing the Queen was able to celebrate her 90th birthday before the end of the empire was decided. Sad that this Brexit news had to dampen the party so quickly!
Now Scotland, Northern Ireland have said they want to stay part of the European Union (EU) they will most likely have their referendums to leave the United Kingdom. This is just another side effect of their selfish, old disenfranchised bitterness for the people of England. The party is definitely over and the EU now want England to leave!
Granted the EU was not simple and created border and monetary issues that had complicated life for business. Exacerbated by the fear of new immigrants (refugees) and the confusion over if growing GDP or protecting jobs many people obviously were confused and jumped on a protest wagon against over-regulation and lax borders issues.
This was reflected in the trending of searches on Google with top enquires such as, “What is EU” now over one million people have regrets and are petitioning for a revote.
So much for peace and harmony, this will take out London as the financial hub of Europe and will the rock world financial order once again. It has also given a platform for more anger and leave the table, stop the talking and build the wall antics It has given new glee to people like Donald Trump who was recently gloating that he predicted this would happen in the UK – as it will soon becoming to the USA.
Next November a small blue planet named Earth will give (nuclear superpowers) to two new world leaders, one in what was the UK and one is the USA.
Let’s hope it’s not going the be the Boris Johnson and Donald Trump Show for our future… Let’s hope they are both old news before Christmas this year – Please!
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