The big open road on life’s highway… where will it take you?
Or more importantly, what’s your current direction?
If you don’t know where you are going, then will any road get you there?
This ‘life direction’ is an important deal in coordinating the part of getting from point A to B.
If you want have a great line to guide you and enable having a great life today and everyday, then take this advice.
Don’t always travel alone, smile alot, help others in need, live, learn and leave a legacy!
All good things to keep in mind as you push the pedal to the metal and experience the ride of your life.
This statement above is about the most pithy and proactive pronouncement of how to live one’s life that I have ever heard.
Unfortunately for me, the ‘World is your oyster,’ is both confusing and I’m not always in the mood for the half shell delicacy.
So let’s unpack the top line advice we are offering and examine what’s inside this envelope containing our life.
In the Beginning, there was light. First we get life… this is really quite tricky!
Thank God we don’t remember anything about our birth, not only was it tricky but it was also kind of a mess in the beginning. Do you have many, or any vague memories of taking your first step, first fall, first word, last diaper, first job, romantic heartbreaks, you get it…
Thank God (yes, again) for good parents, or any family and caregivers who helped us in the infant days, none of could survive it alone.
This teaches us from the beginning the importance of how we need others!
Somewhere along the road of life, we do remember other stuff like, learning how to ride a bike, or playing a musical instrument, playing team sports, lying on your back and looking up at blue sky, eating ice cream, enjoying TV shows and movies, or seeing the beauty of nature at the beach or a fireworks display that just makes your jaw go slack and you drool out something barely audible like Ahhsome!
This is all really great ‘first world’ stuff for people with healthy bodies and able minds.
Life really is mostly good for caring people, and it gets even better when we are grateful enough to give even more back to others!
Sorry to now bring rain onto this parade, but we are not all happy, healthy and with able minds connected to what some refer to as the first world. When I was young, I remember being told about the Third World and how lucky I was to be born into this First World zone?
This has always bothered me. Not that any of us can entirely change the concept, but we can decide to try care and do something. It made we wonder, why would God be sending some people to the first world and others to this third world place? It didn’t seem fair!
As a kid, I never really tried to over-think this one. I
t wasn’t until studying some geography at school that I started thinking about it again. If the first world was Canada, USA and the UK. We were told that the third world was somewhere around India or Africa, so then where was the second world? In Mexico?
So, if we continue on this line of life/time/place re: world opportunity rationale, just what direction will this take us down life’s road?
Believe it or not, it does take us to back America!
The land of opportunity… WHY?
This is the million dollar question! (See Time is Money)
For many decades, America has been the ‘Field of Dreams’ for many people who seek to find their future success in life.
America is considered by many as, “The Land of Opportunity.” Freedom, wealth and health care with a pension, everything anyone could ever ask for is all waiting for you once you cross that doorstep into North America.
You just have to get in to win!
In the late 19th and early 20th century, if you weren’t the oldest male in the family you would not inherit the family home. This meant either you got married off into another family and lived in that home, or you immigrated to America. In America you could get land and start a ‘homestead’ and get a large family going to help work the land. It was in these ‘Fields of Dreams’ that the great land rush got started and caused many people in Europe to leave and start up the new booming real estate economy we now enjoy in America?
For the people immigrating to a new life, America became their first world – the place to start new life with hope for the future. At that time America was wild, free of established laws and local customs and quite the wild west adventure!
Of course this was not everyone’s cup of tea and not everyone got on the boat to start over in this new first world.
Coming to America – Then and Now:
It was and still is, all about you and your vocation – your life’s work, which hopefully you have great passion and love to pursue in your life. Having work is the best way to support your life’s ambitions, your family and your plan to live, learn and leave a legacy.
This is where each of us needs to find their own feet on the trail to navigate up the right path and climb in the right direction to get top of your mountain in life.
Having good work, receiving satisfaction (+ paychecks) and getting enjoyment from doing good work is important so you can be proud of making a contribution in what you do. This type of gratifying level of engagement is the most we can expect to achieve in our life, outside of working with an apprentice with whom you can share secrets, learn more yourself and guide someone into having a great career life themselves. This passing on the baton is what keeps us connected and together as we participate in this totally ‘Human Race Event!’
This is why Jobs are Job #1 in America. We need the knowledge transfer from the wisdom of experience to the young and eager. To get the economy going it only works when stop making the same old mistakes over and over.
We need governments to get out of the way and let business create work for those who want to harvest their field of dreams.
So build your brain muscles for working smarter and keep on believing!
Keep on keeping on… keep working hard, getting your own wheels and driving down life’s highway with good friends, music and a great big grin about how your future is so bright you’re gonna need shades to keep on trucking down this wonder filled highway…
HANG ON TO LIFE… and Enjoy the Ride 🙂
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