Are you a collector of one speciality item or just about everything? No doubt, there is a ton of cool stuff out there.
Only problem is space, unless you’re a collector of virtual stuff.
Stuff is good!
We either love it, like it, or hate and want to get rid of it.
Depending on what it’s worth we either are attached and keep it, or become unattached and ditch it!
Are you you, or is your life defined by the stuff you currently have in your inventory or on display to the world? Do you live in a one car, two bike household, or two car, one bike home? Do you take public transit or just walk everywhere to get all the stuff you need in your life?
It seems that at times we don’t have enough stuff and feel empty. At other times there is too much stuff, and we feel over-stuffed!
Buy, buy, buy! Or sell, sell, sell!
We are constantly creating, pushing and moving more and more stuff everyday. But it’s all a good thing!
This constant attraction to stuffing our lives with things keeps us busy. It also provides evolutionary evidence of our progress (or lack of) understanding and gained knowledge in h0w to both make better things, as well as make things better!
Nobody wants crap! Even though we do buy a huge amount of stuff we basically throw into the trash. Just look at the amount of stuff that gets tossed at the side of the road. If ‘they,’ or those who claim to say, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” why is there so much unclaimed (junk) treasure?
We are in constant need of all things (stuff) which may at times be exceeding our expectations, or promised claims and end up under-delivering. This results in more crappy stuff we will have to eventually unload in giving, or trading with others or going into the out-basket or tossed in a trash bin.
It seems the best strategy is to have the best stuff.
The terms of ‘trading up’ and going First Class imply and position the higher value and better quality, this is (not always) the better service we expect to get! It is natural to want bigger, better and more shiniest stuff. having a horse stable is good. Having a horse stable with the fastest pony in the race… better. Having a horse stable with a Preakness #1 finish in the current racing year is probably the best! If you like horses? It could be the biggest house on the block, the biggest boat, a private jet, or your prize winning tomatoes!
All the stuff mentioned above, could be considered by some as ‘top drawer’ collectables and show your purchasing power, good taste (and nice tomatoes).
To others, this is the wrong direction and all those things and all that stuff is bad and not important in your life. Bug Humbug (rotten tomatoes).
The “Power of Now” guy, Eckhart Tolle says that you shouldn’t define your life by things or possessions. This is because if you lose all your stuff your concept of you could also be in danger of being lost!
It can be very scary to some people to find out they have just lost their job, or marriage and now will also be losing much of the stuff that once defined their life!
It’s just like renting a Luxury model (Cadillac) car and then finding out you’ve been down graded to a Chevy Firefly… It would absolutely destroy the image of you as a status symbol cruising in a compact versus a luxury rig. Ouch! It hurts to get downgraded, let alone lose it all.
Most of us have enough stuff, but we are usually always open to buy more!
Think about it.
Nobody would have a job if we didn’t need stuff like products and services to create more and give us all nice things, how would that work? And with that. What more reason do we all need to get out there, enjoy shopping and go local!
SPENDIT.COM <- Shameless self promotion just in case you needed any encouragement…
Very well written Mike!