Are you the centre of the universe? Well, Duh... Yes! What other perspective should you have, (unless you have kids) we are most always thinking about #1 first. Are you most definitely the number 1 and just possibly the most important person in your life? Do you live only for you, yourself and I, or can you make room for others? Everybody knows: it's easier to be selfish than it is to share. Even though we might be in the 'sharing economy,' everyone is still looking out for #1. It is ... [more]
Time, Money or Your Life?
What do you have that can you give to others? We all have special skills, talents and time to give of ourselves to others. It is truly the hardest, most meaningful and most rewarding thing humans can do for each other. "Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he ... [more]
Many Hands Make Light Work – Go Local!
Our world is a wonderful place. The only thing better is to live in peace and harmony with others. This must be an agreed goal for all of us who care for the world, our families, friends and all others on this planet. We have entered a period of unprecedented freedoms. Knowledge is flowing between countries and taking away the fear that 'they' are somehow different than us. We are learning some people are takers and others are givers. Everyday we see this in ourselves, within ... [more]